Free Cybersecurity Scan to Help Small Businesses Stay Secure Through COVID-19

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Update: The offer presented in this announcement is no longer available.

COVID-19 has affected businesses large and small, all across the world. While the bigger organizations have the resources to absorb the negative economic consequences; overnight, small businesses are fighting to survive, while also making payroll and maintaining a positive cash flow. Consequently, they cannot afford any unexpected expenses or issues, especially a cyber breach or ransomware incident.

While small businesses develop creative solutions to keep their businesses afloat, by shifting their businesses online and implementing telework arrangements, cyber criminals have come out of the woodwork, specifically targeting small businesses – who typically have less mature cybersecurity defenses, tools, and infrastructure. Although the impact of a cyber incident is never positive, in this climate, it would be catastrophic, and could force many small businesses to close their doors forever.

We cannot let this happen! Small businesses are the backbone of our nation’s global economy, and Mission Innovate, a strategic joint venture between Mission Multiplier and All Points, wants to help by doing our part in fighting this pandemic.

We have seen several heartwarming stories from all over the nation of everyday Americans stepping up and doing everything they can. People are volunteering wherever possible, making food for healthcare professionals and first responders, companies are establishing makeshift production lines to 3D print masks and face shields. This outpouring of American ingenuity and benevolence over the past several weeks has inspired and energized all of us to help the cause in a meaningful way.

To adapt a line from a popular movie, “Jordan plays ball, COVID infects people, we make cyber security software.” We decided to help small businesses by doing what we do best:

Giving a free vulnerability scan using MARS Suite –  to Small Businesses for FREE 

MARS Suite is a proven enterprise cyber risk management software that monitors and protects IT networks, infrastructure, devices, and sensitive data. Both large, well-known organizations like NASA, as well as smaller successful organization, like Nextek Inc., have trusted MARS Suite to protect their IT networks, and to provide the IT security they need. Additionally, MARS Suite is NSA NIAP Tested and is a Department of Defense, JITC Approved and Certified Cyber Security Product.

If you are a small business, please email us at: and we’ll schedule your free scan– NO STRINGS ATTACHED.


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